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Thank you for your support over the years
By posting images here you are giving full consent for ABA to add this photo to our image library for future use. For full T&C’s see https://www.breastfeeding.asn.au/manual/promotion/image-library/permission
Here you go! 🙂
BCR in Sale
Hand made dolls as per message from Kirsten Tamnembaum WA
Happy 60th ABA!
Happy 60th Birthday ABA
These dolls were made by an ex-breastfeeding counsellor from the WA branch, Wendy O’Brien, using an NMAA pattern from the 1980s.
Visiting our newest family addition in Perth while listening in this morning.
Gorgeous Jude!
Hi from Adelaide
Hello from the newest Breastfeeding Educator! 🙊🎉 Finally finished training and full of excitement and ideas, a perfect time to celebrate 60 years of ABA!
Vic conference
Qld Branch
Hellooooo! Sad to miss out, but with you in spirit 😊😊
Tuning in from Perth WA with my training baby 🙂
Nepean region watch party and lunch
I’m there will you in spirit team! xx
Trying to choose the perfect mug for my lunchtime cup of tea. 💜 Waving to all my wonderful ABA friends from sunny Frankston 🌞
Bendigo group 60th anniversary cake
Thanks for letting me natter today! It’s been a privilege to be your morning MC 💛
We’ve done a BPS together before Mandy and you are just a delight! ❤️
Thanks so much Mandy… loved listening to you dulcet tones this morning. ☺️
You are fantastic!
Watch party in NW Tas!
My view during the online conference – Central Victoria
Tuning in while sorting washing
LOVE that Monica. 🥰💪
I love this! Mums are amazing multi-taskers!
Happy 60th birthday from Hobart and Surrounds Group!
Inner South East group in Melbourne!
Nepean region watch party
Daniele Day and Emma Rowlings-Jenson at the Qld Branch conference
ACTNSW 2024 conference!
My training baby, all grown up!
At conference!
A sneak peak of the prize being awarded today!
from Tas conference 2005
Oh, I haven’t seen that for years!
Sherwood & Surrounds Group – 50th Anniversary Celebration – July 2024
Queensland Branch Conference today
Loving seeing all the responses on Menti! What an organisation!
A collection of past and present Qld BPs
Darwin NT Sometime in the 90’s
1994 it was!
Springfield & Surrounds – 10 year helpline celebration
Breastfeeding in the breakout room at QLD conference 💖
Springfield & Surrounds, 2023
Springfield & Surrounds, Queensland with state MP Charis Mullen
Hello from Lauren and Jess at NSW conference
West Moreton Darling Downs volunteers, Queensland
Randwick group at branch conference!